Forum / Gay activism & coming out

Gay activism & coming out
Gay activism & coming out

Stats: 2 topics, 4 messages

Newest topic:Homofobia alert: Support Austin Wallis

Actual topic:Gay rights Africa

Last message:Heisenberg, Monday, 9.2.2015 / 16:22


Author of topic:Supertruper




SupertruperGreen card


M / 40 years



Level: Newbie / 1 posts

Title: Administrator

Posted: Sunday, 8.2.2015 / 22:37

Topic: Gay rights Africa

Every human deserves the dignity and not to extend this would violate our humanity: Life is sacred and must be respected. Homosexuality is not the totality of some ones identity, it doesn't make someone a bad person, and it is only one aspect of their humanness.
Advanced societies can be measured by how they protect the weak and vulnerable, so as a moral community we can therefore have issue with the act, while showing compassion to people with this orientation.
But we must utterly condemn gay advocates using the campaign against violence as a ruse to promote homosexual lifestyles in African communities.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights in Africa are limited in comparison to many other areas of the world. The International Gay and Lesbian Association estimated in 2008 that homosexuality was outlawed in 38 African countries, and in at least 13 African countries, homosexuality was legal or there were no laws pertaining to it.[1]

Same-sex sexual activities between adults have never been criminalised in Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Chad, Republic of the Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Madagascar, Mali, Niger, and Rwanda.[2]

Since 2011, some first world countries have been considering or implementing laws that limit or prohibit general budget support to countries that restrict the rights of homosexuals.[3] In spite of this, many African countries have refused to consider increasing LGBT rights,[4] and in some cases have drafted laws to increase sanctions against LGBT people.[5] Many African leaders feel that gay rights are against their cultural and religious value systems and believe they have a sovereign right to reject what they see as an imposition by mainly Western nations, which attempts to affect national sentiment via aid.[6][7][8][9]

In Mauritania, Sudan, and northern Nigeria, homosexuality is punishable by death. In Uganda, Tanzania, and Sierra Leone, offenders can receive life imprisonment for homosexual acts. In addition to criminalizing homosexuality, Nigeria has enacted legislation that would make it illegal for straight family members, allies and friends of the LGBT to be supportive. According to Nigerian law, a straight ally “who administers, witnesses, abets or aids” any form of gender non-conforming and homosexual activity could receive a 10-year jail sentence.[10] South Africa's constitution has the most liberal attitudes toward gays and lesbians, with a constitution which guarantees gay and lesbian rights, and legal same-sex marriage.

Many traditional African societies view same-sex relationships as abhorrent and activists accuse some African governments of state-sponsored discrimination and persecution.

In Zimbabwe, President Robert Mugabe, has attacked homosexuality as a Western import - describing gays as "worse than dogs and pigs".

In Senegal, the recent publication of photos from a gay wedding provoked violent demonstrations.

In contrast, South Africa holds the most liberal attitude towards homosexuality on the continent.

The South African constitution bans discrimination based on sexual orientation and the government legalised same-sex marriages in 2006.

But even here, activists say, openly gay and lesbian people have been threatened, detained and arrested.

HeisenbergNo card


M / 47 years



Level: Climbs gently / 52 posts

Title: Administrator

Posted: Monday, 9.2.2015 / 15:58

Topic: Gay rights Africa

In this world, there are actually only a few places where gays are really accepted. To be, to exist as gay in Africa is simply almost not possible. Tradition plays it's role but the Catholic church as well. They come, help to infiltrate in the society and then they wash out their brains and turn hungry people into christian fanatics. The best example is Ruanda where you have a situation that the Church came to "help" after the war and now they have a public witch hunt on gays. They publish faces and names in their newspapers with "hang them" stickers on etc. They teach children how gays lick their anuses and eat shit and stuff like that. And it's all mosty because the Church came to "help" while they were hungry.

After 1700 years of (war) crimes in Europe, they have lost the war and now only old women go to churches so they have found a new place to wage new wars, to indoctrinate gullible people and to take their money... in the name of the God, of course since it's one allmighty entity that can handle everything except money.

HeisenbergNo card


M / 47 years



Level: Climbs gently / 52 posts

Title: Administrator

Posted: Monday, 9.2.2015 / 16:22

Topic: Gay rights Africa

"Ghana punishes 'unnatural carnal knowledge' with up to three years in jail."

And then... some people expect us to be nice to those who endorse such laws and behaviours, sit still and do nothing?! I think we should organize a little publich "lynch" on every country like Ghana or similar one!


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Gay rights Africa

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