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Newest topic:Stealing underwear

Actual topic:Stealing underwear

Last message:Falconer, Monday, 9.2.2015 / 21:37


Author of topic:Chamaeleon




ChamaeleonNo card


M / 30 years


United Kingdom

Level: Newbie / 1 posts

Posted: Monday, 9.2.2015 / 13:58

Topic: Stealing underwear

Has anyone stole underwear?

I have a great fetish for underwear stolen from gym!

HeisenbergNo card


M / 47 years



Level: Climbs gently / 52 posts

Title: Administrator

Posted: Monday, 9.2.2015 / 14:16

Topic: Stealing underwear

Quoted post

Chamaeleon wrote:

Has anyone stole underwear?

I have a great fetish for underwear stolen from gym!


So, what happens when you get back home?

DeathRidesAHorseGreen card




Level: Newbie / 1 posts

Posted: Monday, 9.2.2015 / 16:51

Topic: Stealing underwear

Photo or it didn't happen

HeisenbergNo card


M / 47 years



Level: Climbs gently / 52 posts

Title: Administrator

Posted: Monday, 9.2.2015 / 19:37

Topic: Stealing underwear

Quoted post

DeathRidesAHorse wrote:

Photo or it didn't happen

FalconerGreen card


M / 42 years


United Kingdom

Level: New hope / 14 posts

Title: Administrator

Posted: Monday, 9.2.2015 / 21:37

Topic: Stealing underwear

Recently I recived very simillar kinky request, with no reason a no-name guy asked me via Facebook could I send him my worn underwear, and he asked if the undies could be worn as much possible, with all the juices on it.......

Can you imagine that???, and above all he sent me in another msg his name and adress where to send it and offered that he will pay for all the costs and even more that he will pay me some fee to make him that fetish request possible.

I was reading recived msg several times and was cracking out of laugh...hahahahahaha

I wonder what would you in this kind of situation ?

Feeling courious


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